In 1861, renowned cartographer Kim Jeongho detailed a map of Korea referred to as the Map of the Great Eastern State, on which he designated the hills at the southwest corner of the Korean Peninsula as Mount Mongjung. Located on this mountain is the Mongjung Mountain Tea Plantation, where ocean winds from the crystalline waters of the south ascend the hills of Boseong County’s coastline, enveloping the field with its fine mist. These coastal hills boast four distinct seasons, essential to the superior quality of Tea of Tea's green tea. The cold winter climate condenses the sap in the trees, and the first leaves of spring come into bud nourished by this enriched fluid. This unique process is what sets apart the matchless taste of Tea of Teas.
International Recognition
In 2002, Mongjung Mountain Tea Plantation's green tea was presented with the Gold Standard at the Great Taste Awards in London, hosted by the Guild of Fine Foods, where the tea's excellent quality was validated among international tea experts. The leaves of this award-winning green tea maintain their superior quality even though they are taken from the seventh round of harvest.
Commitment to Excellence
Cultivation within Mongjung Mountain Tea Plantation is carried out with the utmost integrity and with a sincere commitment to preserving and sharing the pure excellence of nature. Having replenished the soil using purely organic compost since 1994, the plantation was awarded with organic certification in Korea in 2002 and with 100% USDA organic certification in 2007. Inspectors from GOCA, a United States organic certification agency, concluded that no traces of agricultural chemicals were found upon reviewing the water flow, wind and soil of the Mongjung Mountain Tea Plantation. In 2011, the brand Tea of Teas was created to promote our Mongjung Mountain green teas worldwide.
We cordially invite you to enjoy the fruits of our labor: a pure aroma and a deep, rich taste.
Coming soon in 2020.